Program for adults

Program for adults

Varied training options

At M.E.S.E., you can compose your training program to best suit your needs. In addition to one-on-one lessons and sessions in pairs, we organise group training with optimal coach-player ratios. The possibilities apply not only to the length of training and its type, as our seniors department accommodates players whose performance is diminished by their age.


If you need a team

The purpose of the program:

Although tennis is an individual sport, we would like to show how much can be added to private lessons by attending group trainings. One of the most important elements of tennis is getting to know and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of yourself and your opponent, and group practice provides an excellent opportunity to understand this process.

Adult group training is recommended for those who would like to try what they have learned in private lessons and wish to practice these elements with each other on a weekly basis. These sessions are also recommended to those who think tennis is an important part of their social life and want to be part of a good, cohesive community, as well as people who are curious about the mental side of tennis and want to test themselves regularly in competitive situations (team championship series, amateur competitions, etc.) and also to players who want to play tennis well against multiple game styles.

Key information:

Flexible schedule

Individually variable training time

Optimal coach-player ratio (maximum 4 players/coach/court) 

Opportunity to participate in a team championship

Monthly fee calculated in proportion to attendance


Programs for seniors – You are as old as you feel

The purpose of the program:

Our goal is to help seniors lead better lives through tennis by keeping them fit both mentally and physically. We believe tennis is a good opportunity to create spiritual harmony and build community, and it can also help in the fight against loneliness and in resolving intergenerational tensions. Improving the quality of life of the elderly is in all our best interests.

From a demographic point of view, Hungary is a slowly aging society. Few children are born and life expectancy is constantly increasing, so the 50-plus generation will be in the majority before long. With this in mind, we would like to create a senior section based on Western examples and a couple of successful Hungarian initiatives already underway in this age group.

The situation of the elderly, but also that of ageing people, does not receive enough attention. Senior citizens also have to face discrimination because of their age, a deteriorating labor market situation and loneliness due to the breakdown of families. They need community spaces and services that help them improve their quality of life. It is also an important social responsibility that this initiative takes on. It also promotes communication between generations, as this tension can already be measured across Europe.